Monday, March 15, 2010

A Coat of Glass

It's March Madness and our Jayhawk flag is flying high on the pole and KU is high in the polls. It is also great weather in San Antonio as you can see by our blooming pear tree. It's 70 degrees and 70 degrees means it's a good day for putting down fiber glass. And fiber glassing is just what we have been doing for the past week.
First we covered the hull with glass and poured about 2 cups of gooey epoxy right in the middle of the hull and started moving it around with a plastic squeegee being fast enough so that only a little bit runs down on your feet. (Isn't gravity great.) And of course you need to get all the glass saturated before it starts to set up. Or in the epoxy vernacular "kicks". In about 8 hours when it reaches the "green stage" you have to be ready to trim off the excess and remove any masking tape. Before any bad things can happen. Every 8-10 hours, depending on the temperature, you apply thin coats of more epoxy to "fill the weave". I hope this sound like I know what I'm doing. March Madness at it's best.

Once the hull was done we turned the kayak over and started the same process on the deck. We are now at the second coat stage. Doing this blog is how I'm spending my time before the next coat. We are getting there.
You may remember an earlier post about making a wrong cut for the hatch cover. ( See Hatching a Bad Egg) I said Carol may have a solution to the problem, well tomorrow we will find out. If it works we will let you know in the next posting.
You can always click on any photo for more detail.

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